Auditing Careers

Auditing Careers

Audit Analyst


$19-29/hr ($40- 60k/yr)

View this job in:  Auditing

Are you a stickler for details and love crunching numbers? If so, a career as an Audit Analyst may be a perfect fit for you. Auditors are the proofreaders for financial documents.

As an Audit Analyst, your job is to make sure that things are completed correctly and the financial documents for the bank are accurate. You'll also make sure the company follows all business and industry rules and guidelines. Audits involve reviewing financial records to make sure they are correct. You may also observe normal operations and procedures to make sure they are completed correctly. If you notice things that aren't done the right way, you'll let the company know so issues are resolved. In this job, you'll work in a support capacity with a more experienced auditor to get on-the-job training.

An Audit Analyst need to be detail-oriented and organized. You'll also need a good understanding of accounting practices. Positions in Auditing require a Bachelor's degree in accounting, finance, or a related field. Internships are helpful to land an entry-level position. Auditor Analysts have lots of potential for career growth.

Key Responsibilities

  • Monitor/audit business activity on a regular schedule
  • Follow cash flow from beginning to end to ensure that all funds are properly accounted for
  • Examine a business unit's records, perform audit interviews with supervisors and managers, and observe normal operations
  • Make sure the accounting practices used meet all rules and guidelines
  • Rate the company's performance and suggest corrections or changes as needed
  • Create audit reports and summarize findings and results
  • Use computer-assisted auditing tools as needed

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