Risk & Compliance Careers

Risk & Compliance Careers

Compliance Analyst


$30-38/hr ($62-80k/yr)

View this job in:  Risk & Compliance

Do you pay attention to every little detail? Are you a problem solver at heart? As a Compliance Analyst, you'll use these skills every day.

The primary duty of this role is to run reports for routine monitoring and auditing of the company's products, services, and assets. You'll work to ensure compliance with federal and state laws and the company's policies. It's important to maintain a sound knowledge of banking laws, regulations and best practices in industry.

To get this job you'll need a Bachelor's degree or at least three years of experience working in compliance. A Bachelor's in Business, Finance, or Criminal Justice may be very helpful.

Key Responsibilities

  • Assist with auditing the assets at the company's retail financial service centers and the payment center to ensure compliance with the company's policies
  • Monitor and test the company's products and services to ensure compliance with federal and state laws
  • Document monitoring, testing, and auditing work performed as well as any findings
  • Conduct follow-up with coworkers to ensure any compliance issues are remedied in a timely manner
  • Assist with ongoing review, revision, and implementation of compliance policies, procedures, and practices
  • Help with ongoing design, revision, and implementation of compliance monitoring protocols
  • Assist with special investigations and targeted reviews as directed

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