Risk & Compliance Careers

Risk & Compliance Careers

Compliance Manager


$48-60/hr ($100-120k/yr)

View this job in:  Risk & Compliance

Do you like doing research? Do you excel at leadership? A job as a Compliance Manager might be a great role for you.

You'll spend your days monitoring banking transactions are done properly. You'll also report back to executives at regular intervals about your findings. Your job is to make sure all departments and divisions are complying both with legal requirements and individual corporate goals. You'll be looking to reduce wasteful spending or unnecessary processes. You and your team will be evaluating, observing, and creating written reviews and presentations. You may also make recommendations about how to improve compliance in problem areas.

You'll need at least six years' experience in compliance or a related field to get this job. You will also need a Bachelor's degree in finance, business, or a related field.

Key Responsibilities

  • Lead compliance problem identification, oversee problem solving, and manage corrective actions
  • Manage compliance program activities for specific business areas, ensuring that program meets regulatory and corporate standards
  • Participate in compliance review of new products and customer facing activities
  • Manage compliance team day-to-day activities while meeting department goals
  • Monitor the use of new and existing policies, manage compliance manual development and maintenance
  • Provide support for the Compliance team by managing project and resource allotments
  • Stay current with new and developing compliance rules

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