Risk & Compliance Careers

Risk & Compliance Careers

Anti-Money Laundering Officer


$33-45/hr ($70-95k/yr)

View this job in:  Risk & Compliance

Are you a natural leader? Do you want to lead a team in detecting and preventing fraud and financial crimes? You might do well as an Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Officer.

This role takes a combination of excellent leadership skills and thorough knowledge of how to prevent financial crimes. You'll manage the daily operations of the company's AML compliance program. You will help prevent criminals from funding their illegal activities and protect the company from fines and a loss of reputation. AML regulations change over time so you'll also have the duty of making sure that the program stays up-to-date. Since you're in a leadership position, you'll need to have great communication skills and inspire your team to do their best every day.

You'll want to be comfortable working in a fast-paced work environment if you're interested in this career. Strong organizational skills and attention to detail will help you be successful. Most employers will want a Bachelor's degree in research, business, accounting or criminal justice. Find out more about your education options

Key Responsibilities

  • Identify and define the AML compliance program objectives for the company and department
  • Implement AML compliance programs to prevent illegal, unethical, or improper transactions
  • Communicate AML policies and procedures, may train others on this subject matter
  • Monitor the completion of investigations by examining files and documents
  • Implement AML monitoring on high-risk customers and clients, requesting additional investigation or evaluation when necessary
  • Research and maintain current knowledge of regulatory, legal, and industry developments
  • Make sure compliance manuals, policies and procedures accurately reflect current laws, rules and other regulatory requirements
  • Provide leadership and guidance to team members

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