Risk & Compliance Careers

Risk & Compliance Careers

Risk Associate


$40-50/hr ($83-105k/yr)

View this job in:  Risk & Compliance

Are you a whiz with spreadsheets? Was math your favorite subject in school? You might enjoy a job as a Risk Associate.

As a Risk Associate, you'll work with statistics and advanced mathematical formulas to give companies an accurate idea of their financial outlook. You'll likely specialize in a certain line of business such as Wealth Management or Commercial or Corporate Banking. You'll create reports that require you to use numbers and probabilities. Your goal will be to give an accurate look at the balance between what the risks and opportunities are for the future.

You'ln need at least three years experience in risk analysis to get the job. Companies will also be looking for a Bachelor's degree in finance, economics, accounting or a related field.

Key Responsibilities

  • Responsible for performing complex analysis that maximizes profits and asset growth while minimizing losses
  • Provide analytical support on various product strategies to ensure company goals are met
  • Coordinate the production of portfolio performance reports for senior management
  • Review and analyze trends and recommend strategies to help the company and its customers
  • Monitor the implementation of action plans to address medium- and high-risk events and report updates
  • Collaborate with different lines of business and monitor outstanding issues throughout the bank
  • Demonstrate excellent analytical, data compilation and written communication skills

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