Risk & Compliance Careers

Risk & Compliance Careers

Credit Analyst


$30-40/hr ($64-85/yr)

View this job in:  Risk & Compliance

Are you a fact finder by nature? Do you like doing research and investigating topics of interest? You might be a great Credit Analyst.

A day in the life of a Credit Analyst involves doing research about people or businesses applying for a loan. This may include talking to employers to verify income and other sources of financial verification. In this job you'll also pull reports from credit reporting bureaus and look at the borrower's credit score and history. Ultimately you're trying to determine the level of risk the potential borrower might be. The goal is to find a solution that will protect your company and provide the customer with the loan that is needed.

To be successful in this role, it’s important to be thorough and objective. It's also important to communicate your recommendations clearly both written and verbally.  A Bachelor’s degree is strongly preferred to get this job. Three-to-five years of relevant experience may be substituted for a degree.

Key Responsibilities

  • Assist in crafting financial projections
  • Review or prepare applications and reports
  • Provide objective recommendations on whether to extend a line of credit to personal or business loan applicants
  • Make recommendations on loan amendments, refinancings and other activities
  • Assist in development and communication of investment ideas with Wealth Management team
  • Assist in creation of written reports and presentations
  • Interact with clients or client service professionals as needed
  • Work with other areas of the firm, including corporate credit analysts

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