Auditing Careers

Auditing Careers

Corporate Auditor


$29-38/hr ($60-80k/yr)

View this job in:  Auditing

Are you the type of person that thrives on finding ways to improve a process? Do you enjoy working with data to identify problems and provide solutions? If so, a career as a Corporate Auditor may be a good career fit.

Corporate Auditors are responsible for reviewing financial documents to identify areas of risk for the bank. Risk can mean something is not being done in line with the current laws and regulations. Risk can also be about putting the bank at risk financially for how business is being done. You'll have a hand in every step of the audit process. This includes the initial planning and conducting the actual audit to creating reports. It's also your job to make sure any issues identified are handled properly. You'll need to be comfortable presenting complex and sensitive information to management. Helping them understand what needs to be done to fix the situation is also important.

Corporate Auditors will need to know both the company's business practices and industry rules and regulations. You'll also need a Bachelor's degree in accounting, finance, or a related field. Many employers also prefer or require you to have professional accounting certifications

Key Responsibilities

  • Perform timely reviews and provide honest and constructive feedback
  • Ensure company is complying with all applicable regulations
  • Determine if the company's risk management and ways to reduce risk are adequate and working as intended
  • Identify ways to reduce risk to protect customers, employees, and the company
  • Comply with risk management policies and procedures in documentation of issues and suggested solutions
  • Communicate audit findings to management
  • Build and maintain relationships with multiple stakeholders
  • Use computer-assisted auditing tools as needed

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