Wealth & Investment Careers

Wealth & Investment Careers

Licensed Banker


$20-30/hr ($44-64k/yr)

View this job in:  Wealth & Investment

Are you passionate about helping others achieve their goals? Do you thrive on positive interaction with others? You might be a great fit for a career as a Licensed Banker.

In this unique role, you'll work in both Retail Banking and Wealth Management. A Licensed Banker is similar to a Personal Banker, but has additional licenses. These will allow you to sell investment products in addition to retail banking products such as savings accounts. You'll focus on developing meaningful relationships with both new and existing customers. You'll work to understand their financial needs and recommend the right retail and investment products and services. You can feel good about your role in helping others secure their financial future.

To become a Licensed Banker, many employers prefer you have a Bachelor's degree. You'll need to become licensed- many employers will support you in earning your license after you are hired. Previous experience in the industry is a plus.

Key Responsibilities

  • Manage a portfolio of clients with responsibility to build and strengthen relationships
  • Conduct customer appointments and talk with clients to understand their situation
  • Work to uncover customer needs and provide the right solutions
  • Respond to all client inquiries and concerns to provide solutions in a timely manner
  • Cross-sell Retail Banking and Wealth Management products and services
  • Engage in client outreach efforts, such as outbound calling of leads to gain new customers
  • Develop relationships with business partners to increase cross-sell opportunities and achieve sales goals

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