Commercial Banking Careers

Commercial Banking Careers

Commercial Loan Officer


$33-38/hr ($65-77k/yr)

View this job in:  Commercial Banking

Are you good at putting your best foot forward with others? Can you spot a good opportunity a mile away? These qualities will help make you a great Commercial Loan Officer.

In this role, you will often get to step outside the office and meet with businesses to understand their loan needs. You may attend social functions to make contact with future clients. You will also help clients through the loan application process. You'll meet with applicants to explain credit policies and get loan information and documentation. You'll analyze the information and identify and address possible credit or lending problems. You may need to work with bank managers to decide whether or not to issue the loan. Additional duties involve managing an existing commercial loan portfolio and knowing potential growth or risk within the portfolio.

To get this job you'll need a Bachelor's degree in finance, business, or a related field. Your success in this job depends on your knowledge of the commercial lending business and your ability to work with people. Previous sales experience is also a plus.

Key Responsibilities

  • Meet with prospective business clients to establish account relationships
  • Act as the client's primary bank contact to managing the client's relationship with the bank
  • Educate clients regarding bank products and services and how they can serve the client's financial needs
  • Work with Underwriters and Credit Analysts to analyze loan applications to determine whether the business loan should be approved or not
  • Meet with applicants whose loans are denied and explains reasons and alternatives
  • Coordinate functions with related departments and branches as needed
  • Provide excellent customer service to existing accounts
  • Aid in setting and meeting department or business unit goals

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